dijous, de juny 21, 2007


YUHU! Per fi ha arribat el moment!!! Per fi els tornaré a veure, qui sap si és la ultima vegada...
La cosa és que avui és el dia internacional de la música i que tots els que estarem a l'estadi olímpic de Barcelona, ho celebrarem de la millor manera que hi ha, amb ells.

Escoltant (Per anar fent boca): Streets of love._ ABIGGERBANG

You're awful bright, you're awful smart
I must admit you broke my heart
The awful truth is really sad
I must admit I was awful bad

While lovers laugh and music plays
I stumble by and I hide my pain
The lamps are lit the moon is gone
I think I've crossed the Rubicon

And I, I, I, I, I, I, I
Walked the streets of love
And they're full of tears
And I, I, I, I, I, I, I
Walked the streets of love
And they are full of fears

While music pumps from passing cars
A couple watched me from a bar
A band just played the wedding march
and the cornerstore mends broken hearts
A woman asked me for a dance
Oh, It's free of charge just one more chance

Oh I, I, I, I, I, I, I
Walked the streets of love
And they are full of tears
And I, I, I, I, I, I, I
Walked the streets of love
For a thousand years

You had the moves, you had the cards
I must admit you were awful smart
The awful truth is awful sad
I must admit I was awful bad

And I, I, I, I, I, I, I
I walked the streets of love
and they're drenched with tears

And I, I, I, I, I, I, I
I walked the streets of love
for a thousand years
And I, I, I, I, I, I, I
Walked the streets of love
For a thousand years

Aquesta cançó és preciosa. M'encanta. MMMMMMM quins nervisssss!

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

Per fi han tocat els Rollings a Barna!Com va anar?Encara m'enrecordo aquella vegada que teniu entrades i van canviar de dia i no hi vas poder anar...pot ser que tiressin petards o alguna cosa?és que des de casa vaig sentir alguna cosa.Per cert,el regal va ser tot un èxit!Saps qué m'ha passat?m'he luxat la rótula, el dimarts, i vaig enguixada de dalt a baix, quina merda!!!en tinc per dues setmanes, o sigui que per sant joan a caseta...Bueno espero que ho celebris força.
Petons i records a la Llans i al Gonza
LAIA Loren